

Flow Cytometry

Cartoon lymphocyte, or immune cell with fluorescent antibodies for flow cytometry going with the flow

Flowcytometry is a technology that can be used to phenotype cells by analyzing the expression of cell surface and intracellular molecules. It rapidly analyzes single cells or particles as they flow past single or multiple lasers while suspended in a buffered salt-based solution. Each particle is analyzed for visible light scatter and one or multiple …

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Killer T Cell

CD8 Cytotoxic T Cell Sticker

Cytotoxic T cells (CTLs), also known as Killer T cells,  are a special type of T cells with the ability to kill other cells. Usually they kill cells that have been infected with a virus. This way the virus can no longer use these cells for replicating inside of them. CTLs secrete cytotoxins to kill the other …

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DAPI Staining

Immune cell cartoon of a lymphocyte stained with DAPI stained and erythrocyte cell that finds it funny

API stands for 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole and it is a fluorescent stain that binds to DNA in the nucleus. It is a stain used very often in fluorescence microscopy, when excited with ultraviolet light DAPI emits a blue light. This makes the stain very popular in fluorescence microscopy making the nuclei visible in a blue colour. Scientists …

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Immunological Synapse

Antigen presentation in the form of an immunological synapse between dendritic cell and t cell, love is in the air

Antigen presentation in the form of an immunological synapse between dendritic cell and t cell, love is in the air

In an immunological synapse the membrane between the antigen presenting cell (APC) and the t cell touch. They exchange signals so the APC can present an antigen to the t cell. In this case the APC is a dendritic cell that has the right antigen for the t cell and love is in the air. …

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Shooting Antibodies

Plasma cell; B cell; shooting antibodies with a sling

Plasma cell; B cell; shooting antibodies with a sling

Plasma cells, are a specialized type of B cells that produce large volumes of antibodies. This B cell here is using those antibodies to neutralize an invading flu virus that has entered the body.


Neutrophils phagocytosis bacteria

Phagocytosis is the process by which particulate material is endocytosed (“eaten”) by a cell (From Greek phagein, to eat.). The process of phagocytosis is one of the many different ways our immune cells fight infections. Macrophages and neutrophils are cells of the immune system that use phagocytosis to bind and ingest invading microorganisms. Phagocytosis is a complex mechanism that …

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Adoptive Cell Transfer

Adoptive cell transfer of CD45.2 T lymphocytes to new host CD45.1 mouse host

Adoptive cell transfer of CD45.2 T lymphocytes to new host CD45.1 mouse host

Adoptive cell transfer refers to the transfer of cells into an organism, which could be a patient or in the case of this cartoon, a mouse. This is a very common technique used in immunology research to understand how the cells behave. Adoptive Cell Transfer in Immunology Research Typically, the cells that are being transfer …

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Host-Pathogen Battles

Cartoon Host-Pathogen Arm Wrestling

Cartoon Host-Pathogen Arm Wrestling

This cartoon is showing the battle between a leukocyte and a bacterium. Who will win? The interactions between the host cell and a pathogen trying to invade an organism, commonly referred to as host-pathogen interactions, are very important to understand disease. Each pathogen might have a unique way of interacting with their host and the …

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