Our immune cells are our own little personal warriors that keep us safe from the “bad guys” which are usually disease causing microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.
To learn about these cells with a card game a group at the Institute of Immunity and Transplantation at University College of London together with designer Pippa Bolton created an amazing set of cards!
Are you ready to play LEUKOS AID? Which one is your favourite immune warrior?

Play the game and create your own set of cards by downloading the file.
How To Play Leukos Aid
In case you are wondering how to play this game here are some suggestions. You will need at least two players and at least one card for each player.
- Shuffle the deck of cards, and deal out an even number of cards to each player. Each player should have a pile with the same number of cards. The players can only see what the top card of their own pile is and should keep it hidden from the other players.
- The starting player should select a category from the topmost card and read out its value. This is normally the player sitting on the dealer’s left. Using as an example the category “SPEED OF ACTIVATION”, the player would read out the category and then the number next to it.
- Every other player then reads out the value of that same category that is shown on their card (the top card of the pile only). For example, each player in turn would read out the value for the category “SPEED OF ACTIVATION” that is shown on their card.
- The person who read out the highest value wins the round. This player then takes all the top cards from all the other players and places them at the bottom of his or her pile.
- The winner of the round will then follows the same steps that the starting player did. He/she looks at her/his new top card in their pile, and chooses the category for the next round and repeats the previous steps again.
- The player who ends up with all the cards at the end of the game wins.